A friend of mine who will be beginning the graduate program in COMM Studies this fall has often expressed how his performance studies course as an undergraduate “changed his life!” Because of this course, he realized it was possible to use his passion for performance “as a tool for research” (Trenholm, 2008, p. 392) and continue to study the field of communication. While I understand performance studies and performance as research are not fresh to the profession, I did not have any performance course options at my undergraduate so I find this methodology interesting. Until I learned more from him and read this section of Chapter 13, I rarely considered how often we engage in performance to be evaluated (from a research perspective). Although I am apprehensive to enroll in a performance class, I think, as Trenholm (2008) stated, I would feel more “[liberated ... and] try on new identities and express unfamiliar emotions” (p. 391). I would like to explore what it would be like to stretch myself beyond the “comfortable” through performance.